
Moving with an ESA: Things to Do to Help Him Adjust

Moving to a new place? Great! There are many reasons that people decide to move to a new a new place. It is said that animals, especially cats and dogs are very much like humans. Just like us, they also need time to adjust to a new place or home.When preparing to move, the very first thing that you need to take care of is your ESA letter and if it needs renewal. If it is your first time getting the letter then we suggest that you check an emotional support animal letter to see if it has all the necessary details in it.Once you are done with the letter, it is time that you prepare your new place for your ESA. below are some ways to follow ways of moving into a new house with your pet or an ESA.

  1. Prepare the Place for Coco or Kitty

Moving into a new house could be both an exciting and confusing thing for your animal. They are the creatures of habit and like to live their lives according to a set pattern. This is why they will need time to adjust to the new environment and home.The best way of doing it is to take Coco or Kitty to the house before finally moving into. In case you are moving to a different city and cannot make the trip with your ESA, it is better to carry their things like food and water bowls, carpets, cushions and blankets unwashed.It may sound creepy but things that will smell familiar will help them to feel at home in their new house also.

  1. Make their Journey Easy and Comfortable

Usually, animals feel stressed out during traveling, be it a long or a short journey. If you are moving to another state then chances are that you will be traveling via plane and the question rises in your mind that how to fly with a dog. Get a comfortable pet carrier to carry your animal. Ideally, the carrier must have enough space to help the animal move freely and some of its favorite treats and toys to keep him engaged.In case the animal is anxious, it is better to sedate it and help calm its nerves and sleep through the entire journey. Don’t worry, it will not harm your animal.

  1. Provide Emotional Support

Sometimes emotional support animals also need emotional support and moving into the new house is one of those times. At first, he may be scared of the new place since it is unfamiliar and he did not get enough time to get used to the idea of moving. Place its house inside your bedroom and allow him to sleep with you for a few days. This assures him that he so not alone and you are here to support him emotionally.Besides allowing him to sleep with you, show him the new place gradually so that he gets the chance of absorbing the new details easily. Since the place is new, write your name, address and a contact number on his tag so that if he gets lost, the person who found it may contact you easily.

  1. Make the Changes Slowly

Do not try to force your animal into accepting and adjusting to new changes quickly. They may be like us in many ways but they need more time to adjust to their setting. You may want to bring in a new animal or start your ESA’s new training but want till he gets used to its environment.

  1. Show him the House One Room at a Time

Let’s face it, Coco or Kitty is not very happy about moving into a new house. Like we said before, animals are slow to adjust and need more time than us. Instead of showing them the entire house at once, introduce him to it slowly and one room at a time. Animals could be very unpredictable in unfamiliar situations and this is not a good sign. Inspect the room before bringing your ESA into it to make sure that the room has nothing that could trigger an overwhelming response from your animal.Moving to a new place is a big decision and where you struggle from adjusting to the new environment, your animal also struggles. Staying closer and giving him ample time will help you both and also don't forget to get your esa letter.